[Math] Equations of Motion of a Satellite

ordinary differential equationsphysics

I'm working on a control problem where I need to know the equations of motion for a satellite orbiting the earth about a central axis. Using Newton's second law, I was able to show that


but I have not been able to get the equations for $\ddot{\theta}$. I know it should be


but my physics skills are rusty.

An explanation for where this comes from would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer



It is now classical. To derive satellite orbits we use two equations of equilibrium in curvilinear coordinates. To get both components, twice differentiate the vector $ p=r e^{ i \theta} $ to get the radial and circumferential force components with respect to Sun-Earth line as position vector.

$ \dfrac {\dot{p}} {e^{ i \theta}} = \dot{r} + i r {\dot{\theta}} $

$ \dfrac {\ddot{p}} {e^{ i \theta}} = (\ddot{r} -r\dot{\theta^2}) + i ( r \ddot{\theta} +2 \dot{r} \dot{\theta}) $

Radial equilibrium is where Newton famously introduced the inverse law of force as you gave and,

Circumferential equilibrium is :

$$ r \ddot{\theta}+ 2 \dot{r}\dot{\theta}= 0$$

as no force acts in this direction. This on integration gives conserved constant of integration $h$ , the angular momentum

$$ r^2 \dot{\theta} $$

tallying with Kepler's constant swept area rate Law. Introducing $1/r$ as a variable, elliptic orbits with sun focus are obtained.

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