[Math] Equation with multiplication of a matrix by a column vector

linear algebramatrices

How do I solve this matrix equation?

1 & 0 & 3 \\
0 & 1 & 4\end{bmatrix}

I know each line represents an equation but what should I do with the zero in the first row, second column?

Best Answer

First, multiply the left hand side. You can treat this as two matrices. One is 2x3 (2 rows one column), and one is 3x1 (3 rows one column). When multiplying these matrices the end results would be a matrix whose size is 2x1.

so, multiplying row 1 by column 1, and then row 2 by column 1 gives us

\begin{bmatrix} 1\cdot x_1 + 0\cdot x_2 + 3\cdot x_3\\ 0\cdot x_1 + 1\cdot x_2 +4\cdot x_3 \end{bmatrix}

and so

$$\begin{bmatrix}1\cdot x_1 + 3\cdot x_3\\ 1\cdot x_2 +4\cdot x_3\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix} 5\\ 7\end{bmatrix}$$

See more about multiplying: Multiplying a matrix by a column vector

You can then say that for the left hand side to be equal to the right hand side you need all the elements in the matrices to be equal. Both matrices are of size 2x1, and you get two simple equations.

$$x_1 + 3\cdot x_3 = 5$$ $$x_2 + 4\cdot x_3 = 7$$

You have a system of equations with infinite solutions. I assume you need to find the general solution:

$$(x_1 =5-3x_3, x_2=7-4x_3, x_3)$$