[Math] Equation of plane passing through 3 points


Given three points $a, b, c\in \mathbb R^3$, how do we find the equation of the plane passing through these three points?

Original Question : Let $p : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}^3$ be a twice differentiable parametric curve, which is nowhere straight. For arbitrary h find the equation of the plane that goes through the three points $p(t)$, $p(t+h)$, $p(t−h)$. Then find the equation of the limit plane that one obtains from letting $h\to 0$. Verify that the tangent and normal unit vectors at $p(t)$ lie on that plane.
I just want to know how to form the equation of the plane using the three coordinates provided. (Please no complete answer to the above question.)

Best Answer

The parametric equation of the plane passing through the three points $p(t)$, $p(t+h)$, $p(t−h)$ is $$Q_{t,h}(r,s):=p(t)+\frac{p(t+h)-p(t)}{h}\cdot r+\frac{p(t-h)-p(t)}{-h}\cdot s$$

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