[Math] Equation of a plane Parallel to 2 vectors and passing through Tip of another


I'm struggling to answer this question: determine the equation of the plane parallel to v and w passing through the tip of u. i have the coordinates for all of them as (x, y, z) but as its an assignment i can only ask the general format, not with the actual numbers. i know the cross product can be used for perpendicular but no clue what to do here?? Found a similar question online but not sure i understand the answer…

Any help would be extremely appreciated!!!

Best Answer

As you say $\vec h=\vec w \times \vec v$ is the vector orthogonal to $\vec w $ and $\vec v$, so the equation of the plane orthogonal to $\vec h$ and passing through the tip of $\vec u$ is: $$ \vec h \cdot (\vec x-\vec u)=0 $$