[Math] Equation of a plane containing a point and a line


Find the equation of the plane containing the point (0, 7, -7) and the line

$\frac{x+1}{-3} = \frac{y-3}{2} = \frac{z+2}{1}$

I'm not sure how to tackle this question, since the equation of the line is given in the Cartesian form and not in the vector form.

(Not homework- I am preparing for an exam)

Best Answer

If we set $P(-1,+3,-2)$, $Q(0,7,-7)$ and $\vec{v}(-3,2,1)$ is the leading vector of the line(the expression multiplied by a parameter to form the locus for a line), so you can find the normal vector to the plane as follows: $$\vec{PQ}\times\vec{v}=\begin{vmatrix} i & j & k\\ -1 & -4 & 5\\ -3 &2 &1 \end{vmatrix}=-14i-14k-14j$$ So the equation of the plane would be: $$\mathscr{P}:-14(x-0)-14(y-7)-14(z+7)=0$$