Epimorphism and Monomorphism Explained Without Math


I'm trying to understand category theory to increase my coding skills and epimorphism and monomorphism aren't clear to me.
Unfortunately, my last formal education was when I was 12 due to circumstances and I have a hard time understanding algebraic expressions.

I understand what morphisms are and what isomorphism is. $f : X \to Y$ and $g : Y \to X$. Meaning, if there is a morphism going from $X$ to $Y$ then there must be a morphism that goes back and reverses it.

But I don't understand what epimorphism and monomorphism are. Could someone please elaborate in a way a non-mathematician could understand?

Best Answer

When we were little we learned that $$c+a=c+b \;\;\iff\;\; a=b$$ and the notions of epi- and mono-morphism are the same idea of cancellation but for functions, or morphisms of a category. Simply replace "$+$" with "$\circ$", composition ;-)

Now addition doesn't care about the order of its arguments, it's symmetric: $x + y = y + x$. However this is not the case for morphisms in-general!

As such we have two cancellation properties and we name them

  • epi: $f$ is pre-cancellable, i.e., can be cancelled at the beginning of a composition; i.e., $$g \circ f = h \circ f \;\;\iff\;\; g = h$$
  • mono: $f$ is post-cancellable, i.e., can be cancelled at the end of a composition; i.e., $$f \circ g = f \circ h \;\;\iff\;\; g = h$$

It is interesting to note that we speak of a particular $f$ having such a cancellation property, whereas for numbers we know that the cancellation property holds for all numbers.

Can the same be done for all functions?

No, an immediate counterexample is the always-zero function $Z(x)=0$. It is in-general neither epic nor monic! Hence, for functions these properties do not always hold. As such, we may refine our analogy to be more like multiplication than addition: $$\text{ Provided } c \ne 0: \quad c \times a = c \times b \;\;\iff\;\; a = b$$ Just as "Provided $c$ is non-zero, we have (post)cancellation", we can say "Provided $f$ is monic, we have post-cancellation."

Aside: That $f \circ g \;=\; g \circ f$ is not generally true can be seen by considering a counter example.

Indeed, consider the functions $f(x) = x+1$ and $g(x) = 0$ then $$(f \circ g)(x) = f(g\;x) = f(0) = 1 \;\;\neq\;\; 0 = g(x + 1) = g(f\; x) = (g \circ f)(x)$$

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