[Math] Entire function with prescribed values


I am trying to solve the following problem from Ahlfors' Complex Analysis Chapter 5, Section 2.3: Suppose that $\{a_n\}$ is a sequence of distinct complex numbers such that $a_n\to \infty$ and let $\{c_n\}$ be a sequence of arbitrary complex numbers. Show that there exists an entire function $f(z)$ satisfying $f(a_n)=c_n$.

The hint that is in Ahlfors' book is to let $g(z)$ be a function with simple zeros at each $a_n$. Such a function exists by Weierstrass' Theorem. Then, the hint says to look for appropriate $\gamma_n$ such that the following series converges
\sum_1^\infty g(z)\frac{e^{\gamma_n(z-a_n)}}{z-a_n}\frac{c_n}{g'(a_n)}.

I have been playing around with this for a while. I know that I need to find the $\gamma_n$ so that on any compact ball, $|z|\leq R$, the values

are bounded by some values $M_n(R)$ so that for each $R>0$, the sum $\sum M_n(R)$ converges. If I can do this then I know that the sum will converge uniformly on compact subsets, and so I know that the sum will be an analytic function, and then it will clearly have the right properties. However, I am having difficulty figuring out what I am supposed to choose for $\gamma_n$. I tried expressing $g$ as a Taylor series around each $a_n$ and then finding some upper bound of the terms in the sum which depended only on $R$, but have had no luck so far.

Can anyone provide a hint about how to go about finding such $\gamma_n$?

Best Answer

Unfortunately, Ahlfors' hint is very misleading, and there is in fact a simpler way to solve this problem, especially since at this point of the book Ahlfors has proven both Mittag-Leffler and Weierstrass Theorems.

Let $g$ be an entire function with simple zeros at $a_n$. Recall that Mittag-Leffler's Theorem not only asserts the existence of meromorphic functions with poles at $a_n$, but allows us to control the singular part of the function at each $a_n$. So let $h$ be a meromorphic function on $\mathbb{C}$ with simple poles at each $a_n$ with singular part $(c_n/g'(a_n))/(z-a_n)$. Then $f:=gh$ has the desired properties.

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