[Math] Elliptic curves, inflection points and divisors


I'm studying basics of elliptic curves. I'm reading An Elementary Introduction to Elliptic Curves by Leonard Charlap and David Robbins. It is stated there that the divisor of a line (i.e. a polynomial of the form $ax + by + c$) can have only few forms, among them is $3\langle P \rangle – 3\langle \mathcal{O}\rangle$. I tried to find an example of a curve and a line on it that has such divisor, but to no avail. Can anyone provide an example? If it helps, they suggest that $P$ is an inflection point.

Best Answer

Let the base field be $F_2$ (hopefully you're fine with a finite base field). Let the curve be $y^2+y=x^3$ and the line $y=0$. The function $y$ has a pole of order 3 at the point of infinity ${\mathcal O}$ and a triple zero at origin ${\mathcal P}=(0,0)$, so the divisor of $y$ is $3{\mathcal P}-3{\mathcal O}$ as prescribed.

Edit: D'oh. The OP asked for examples in other characteristics. I'm apparently at a my dullest. Doesn't the same example work in any characteristic? (Except at char 3, because then the curve has a singular point). See a figure of the real points below. real points of the curve $y^2+y=x^3$

The origin looks like an inflection point to me :-)