Geometry – Ellipse with Non-Orthogonal Minor and Major Axes

conic sectionsgeometry

If there's an ellipse with non-orthogonal minor and major axes, what do we call it?
For example, is the following curve a ellipse?

$x = \cos(\theta)$

$y = \sin(\theta) + \cos(\theta) $

curve $C=\vec(1,0)*\cos(\theta) + \vec(1,1)*\cos(\theta) $

The major and minor axes are $\vec(1,0)$ and $\vec(1,1)$. They are not orthogonal.

Is it still an ellipse?

Suppose I have a point $P(p_1,p_2)$ can I find a point Q on this curve that has shortest euclidean distance from P?

Best Answer

More explicitly, we have the decomposition


where $\tan\,\lambda=\phi$, $\tan\,\eta=1-\phi$, and $\phi=\dfrac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ is the golden ratio. You can check that both your original parametric equations and the new decomposition both satisfy the Cartesian equation $2x^2-2xy+y^2=1$. What the decomposition says is that your curve is an ellipse with axes $\sqrt{1+\phi}$ and $\sqrt{2-\phi}$, with the major axis inclined at an angle $\lambda$.

If we take the linear algebraic viewpoint, as suggested by Robert in the comments, what the decomposition given above amounts to is the singular value decomposition (SVD) of the shearing matrix; i.e.,


The SVD is in fact an excellent way to look at how a matrix transformation geometrically affects points: the two orthogonal matrices on the left and right can be thought of as rotation matrices, reflection matrices, or products thereof, and the diagonal matrix containing the singular values amounts to nothing more than a scaling about the axes of your coordinate system.