Group Theory – Elementary Isomorphism Between $\operatorname{PSL}(2,5)$ and $A_5$


At this Wikipedia page it is claimed that to construct an isomorphism between $\operatorname{PSL}(2,5)$ and $A_5$, "one needs to consider" $\operatorname{PSL}(2,5)$ as a Galois group of a Galois cover of modular curves and consider the action on the twelve ramified points. While this is a beautiful construction, I wonder if this really is necessary. Is there a construction of a map that takes a representative matrix of a class in $\operatorname{PSL}(2,5)$ and uses some relatively simple computation to produce a permutation in $S_5$ that can be shown to be even? I don't mind if describing the construction and providing the verification that it is well-defined and does what it should takes several pages. I'd just like to think that it's possible.

Best Answer

One way to see this, which can be found in Galois's letter to Chevalier that he wrote on the night before his death, is that $G = PSL(2,5)$ contains a maximal subgroup $H$ of index $5$. The action of $G$ on $G/H$ is faithful (because $G$ is simple), and so we get an embedding of $G$ into $S_5$. Since $S_5$ doesn't contain many subgroups of order 60, we are done.

Galois more generally considers the action of $PSL(2,p)$ on the fibres of the modular curve $X_0(p)$ over $X_0(1)$ (which have $p+1$ points generically), and from this point of view sees that $PSL(2,p)$ can appear as the Galios group of a degree $p+1$ equation (the equation cutting out the fibre over a typical $j$-invariant in $X_0(1)$). He asks whether we can replace this degree $p+1$ equation by a degree $p$ one, and observes that this is possible for $p = 5,7,11$ (i.e. these are the primes for which $PSL(2,p)$ has an index $p$ subgroup).

It's quite amazing to see just how much Galois understood!

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