[Math] Elementary algebra book for review/revision


What books are there that cover elementary algebra, but are not bloated with pedagogically padding?. I searched in this website and the web in general, but the books I could find about elementary algebra are full of pedagogical padding (lots of meta, repetitive examples, fancy formatting, little-relevance images and so on, as if they were written for kids); I find that distracting, and it makes harder to locate material as the density is much lower than in a book like Serge Lang's Algebra or Rudin's Prinicples of Mathematical Analysis.

Could you please recommend a book that covers (even if it is not its main topic) elementary algebra, but from an approach closer to that found in undergraduate-level books (including proofs and excluding pedagogical padding)?.

I know most of what is included in an elementary algebra course, but I want to review this area to make sure I will not miss something elementary when studying more advanced mathematics. I mainly want to review the manipulations of real and complex expressions, rather than things like what a function or a linear equation is.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Take a look at Serge Lang's Basic Mathematics. It may be slightly more basic than you would probably like but it is nonetheless a great book. It is based on deriving and proving things from previously introduced concepts instead of just introducing things seemingly out of the blue and then spending several pages motivating the uses and talking endlessly about history. Surely there is some pedagogical method to it but it is aimed at people who find the topic interesting already and can appreciate the mathematics without seeing pictures of the space ship launch or elaborate 3d scenes involving cubes and spheres.

I would put it at a level somewhere between high school and college. I'm studying it right now but since I have very little true knowledge and understanding of mathematics from high school I find it a bit challenging in places, e.g. we never proved a thing in school so I had/have to learn how to go about proving things. I have learned so much about mathematics and proofs and how things really work, and I am only at the start of the book so there is quite a journey ahead of me!

Other books that may be of interest to you: Gelfand's Algebra, Method of coordinates, Functions and graphs, and Trigonometry. I've read some great things about them and I work through Algebra alongside Lang's text and I find them to complement each other fairly well. However, there is no coverage of complex numbers in this one. They are all very short and packed with great insight and challenging problems.