[Math] Efficiently partition a set into all possible unique pair combinations


Apologies in advance as I'm a programmer, not a mathematician. I am working on organizing pair programming in teams. So I have a set of individuals, and I want to work out all the possible unique pairing combinations so that we can have a set of pairs each day that ensures that no one re-pairs with the same person for the longest possible time.

For example, given 8 programmers:

  • ["Pablo", "Dan", "Andrew", "Tom", "Rob", "Jay", "Norm", "Yev"]

I would like to be able to quickly work out a set of 7 unique possible combinations of pairs that will allow everyone to pair with someone different every day for 7 days in a row:

  • [["Pablo", "Dan"], ["Andrew", "Tom"], ["Rob", "Jay"], ["Norm", "Yev"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Andrew"], ["Dan", "Tom"], ["Rob", "Norm"], ["Jay", "Yev"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Tom"], ["Dan", "Andrew"], ["Rob", "Yev"], ["Jay", "Norm"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Rob"], ["Dan", "Jay"], ["Andrew", "Norm"], ["Tom", "Yev"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Jay"], ["Dan", "Rob"], ["Andrew", "Yev"], ["Tom", "Norm"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Norm"], ["Dan", "Yev"], ["Andrew", "Rob"], ["Tom", "Jay"]]
  • [["Pablo", "Yev"], ["Dan", "Norm"], ["Andrew", "Jay"], ["Tom", "Rob"]]

I've written some ruby code that does this for me:


However it uses some randomization to search the space of possible pairings and it sometimes gets stuck. I've managed to get it to work for a group of up to 34 individuals, but it gets stuck like 5 or 6 times, with me needing to kill the process each time, before I eventually get a run that generates the necessary solution.

Now that's fine for the time-being, as once we've generated the correct solution for a team we can just use that solution, but it would be great to know if there is a simpler approach that would guarantee a solution. I've been searching around on the web and found a few related posts:

but I don't think that anything else I've found is addressing quite the same problem … although I might well be wrong. Any advice or ideas very much appreciated

Best Answer

Seems like we might have the solution from Wikipedia:

One method for constructing a 1-factorization of a complete graph involves placing all but one of the vertices on a circle, forming a regular polygon, with the remaining vertex at the center of the circle. With this arrangement of vertices, one way of constructing a 1-factor of the graph is to choose an edge e from the center to a single polygon vertex together with all possible edges that lie on lines perpendicular to e. The 1-factors that can be constructed in this way form a 1-factorization of the graph.

enter image description here

I've adjusted my code based on that, and seems to run almost instantly for up to 34 individuals:


The Ruby code looks approximately like this

def factor(list) number_pairs = list.length/2 set = [] first, *rest = *list rest.each_with_index do |person, index| pairs = [] pairs << [first, person] (1..number_pairs-1).each do |offset| pairs << [rest[(index-offset)%rest.length], rest[(index+offset)%rest.length]] end set << pairs end set end

Need to run some more detailed tests for correctness. Will try to do that tomorrow.

Particular thanks to Stephen Joseph for insights into this problem

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