[Math] Edge-coloring of bipartite graphs

coloringgraph theory

A theorem of König says that

Any bipartite graph $G$ has an edge-coloring with $\Delta(G)$ (maximal
degree) colors.

This document proves it on page 4 by:

  1. Proving the theorem for regular bipartite graphs;
  2. Claiming that if $G$ bipartite, but not $\Delta(G)$-regular, we can add edges to get a $\Delta(G)$-regular bipartite graph.

However, there seem to be two problems with the second point:

  • A regular bipartite graph has the same number of vertices in the two partions. So we need to add vertices also.
  • I'm not sure that it is always possible to add edges to get a $\Delta$-regular bipartite graph, even if we have the same number of vertices. See the figure below. B and E both have degree two, but we cannot make them degree 3

Am I right ? Is there a way to correct that ?

Best Answer

You have to be allowed to add vertices. In that case it is provable by induction on the number of edges:
Assume G' := G \ e is a Subgraph of some Δ'-regular bipartite Graph K'.
1. Case Δ = Δ' + 1:
K = K' plus e plus an edge for every two other vertices.
2. Case e is in K':
K = K'
3. Case e is not in K':
Let e = (a,b). Because we do not increase Δ, there must be edges in K' \ G' f = (a,c) and g = (b,d). Make a copy of K' =: K'' and join them. Remove f, g and their copies. Connect e, the copy of e, (a,c'), (b,d'), (a',c), (b',d). Here a' is the copy of a etc.. This gives K with all the right edges and degrees.

We can start the induction at 0 edges, and take as K an edgeless bipartite Graph with partitions of the same size, so that it includes G.

Case 3 can done sometimes without the doubling of the graph, but not always. Your example is a case, which can be solved by doubling the graph. Adding vertices is also no problem for your point 1, because it is independent of the number of vertices.

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