[Math] Easy to read books on Graph Theory

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I was asked to read about Graph Theory. First got the book "Graph Theory with Applications" by Bondy and Murty. As a Computer Science student its becoming difficult to read and understand. Then I started reading "Graph Theory-Modeling, Applications and Algorithms" by Agnarsson and Greenlaw. They presented the same topics little bit easier but from a different point of view. I found the definitions are bit different. But they essentially mean the same.

I am looking for some books on Graph Theory for a Computer Science student from a beginner point of view. I am looking for books like "Graph Theory-Modeling, Applications and Algorithms".

Best Answer

I like Doug West's book called Introduction to Graph Theory. It's a breadth book, covering the basics including cycles, paths, trees, matchings, covers, planarity, and coloring. There are algorithms covered like Dijkstra, Kruskal, Ford-Fulkerson, Bipartite Matching, Huffman Encodings, and the Hungarian algorithm. There is also a lot of relevant theory you will want.

You also get topics like spectral graph theory, random graphs, and matroids if you want to cover them. I like that it has an appendix with a bunch of NP-Completeness proofs as well. Those are a really good reference to have as a CS person.

I come from a CS background but am majoring in math, so I have a healthy appreciation for both. Hopefully this helps.

On a side note- if you come across the Alan Tucker Applied Combinatorics text, you should pass on it. I didn't like it very much. It has good problems, but not very good explanations.

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