[Math] Dynamical systems and invariant sets

dynamical systemsset-invariance

I have basic questions to understand the invariant sets of dynamical systems.
Let me define a dynamical system $\left\{ {T, X, \phi^{t}}\right\}$. Here an orbit with a starting value $x_{0}$ is defined by $or(x_{0})=\left\{ {x\in X: x=\phi^{t}x_{0}, t\in T }\right\}$.

An invariant set $S\subset X$ of this dynamical system consist of $x_{0}\in S$ which implies $\phi^{t}x_{0} \in S$ for all $t\in T$. Because of these definitions any individual orbit is an invariant set.

Could you please give me other simple examples for invariant sets and non-invariant sets?
Another silly question of mine is: orbits are ordered subsets of state spaces.Why do we not define them $S\subset X \rightarrow X$? Is it not possible to start in $S$ and leave it through the evolution operator?

Best Answer

You are right in saying that every orbit is an invariant set. However, in general (but not always) when we talk about invariant sets, we talk about sets of nonzero measure. Examples are easy to find. If you take a 2D nonlinear ODE with a sink type fixed point, it will have a basin of attraction that will form an invariant set.

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