[Math] Dummit and Foote on Galois and Representation Theory


At some point, I'd like to learn both Galois Theory and Representation Theory. I currently know a lot of Group Theory and Linear Algebra, as well as some Ring Theory. I was thinking of reading chapters 9, 13, and 14 in Dummit and Foote for Galois Theory, and Chapters 18 and 19 for Representation Theory.

Is Dummit and Foote a decent source for both of these topics? If so, do I need to read the chapters on Modules and Vector spaces to understand the representation theory chapters in particular (I know about vector spaces but not so much about modules)? And if not, are there any good recommendations for texts that are good introductions without being too dry?

Best Answer

The book "Galois Theory" of David Cox is a good introductory book.

If you want to learn representation theory of algebras, I recommend you to learn homological algebra first. A good book for learning homological algebra is "An introduction to homological algebra" of J. Rotman. There are two versions of this book, the second one is much more introductory. This book has a chapter about modules too. For representations of algebras you can read "Representation theory of assosiative algebras" of Assem, Simson and Skowronski (volume 1).

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