[Math] Duality mappings on finite-dimensional spaces


I have a few questions regarding some concepts in a book "nonlinear partial differential equations by Roubicek" I am studying. The following is from the text.

"Let $V$ be a separable, reflexive Banach space. Let $V_{k}$ be a finite-dimensional subspace. Since $V$ is finite dimensional we can identify $V_{k} \cong V_{k}^{*}$. If necessary, we can re-norm the finite dimensional $V_{k}$ to impose a Hilbert structure($V_{k}$ is then homeomorphic with a Euclidean space).

We consider the duality mapping $J$ which is taken as $J(u):= \{f \in V^{*}; \langle f,u \rangle = \Vert u|\Vert^{2} = \Vert f \Vert_{*}^{2}\}$. If $V$ is a separable Banach space and $V^{*}$ is strictly convex then $J$ is single valued.

We then have that $J_{k}: V_{k} \rightarrow V_{k}^{*}$ is single valued and a linear homeomorphism such that $\langle J_{k}u, u \rangle = \Vert u \Vert_{V_{k}}^{2}$, $\Vert J_{k}u \Vert_{V_{k}^{*}} = \Vert u \Vert_{V_{k}}$ "


  1. What exactly is meant by "re-norm $V_{k}$ to impose a Hilbert structure", how would you do that?

  2. How does it follow that the duality mapping $J_{k}$ is a linear homeomorphism?

  3. Is the duality mapping $J_{k}$ a surjective isometry or just an isometry?

  4. How exactly is $V_{k}$ homeomorphic to a Euclidean space?

Thanks for any assistance.

Best Answer

  1. Fix a basis $v_1,\ldots,v_m \in V_k$. Then the map $\sum \alpha_jv_j\to\left(\sum |\alpha_j|^2\right)^{1/2}$ defines a norm on $V_k$, and this norm is induced by the inner product $\langle \sum \alpha_jv_j,\sum \beta_jv_j\rangle = \sum \alpha_j\overline{\beta_j}$. In a finite-dimensional space all norms are equivalent, so the identity map becomes a homeomorphism if we consider the original norm in the domain and this new norm in the codomain. In the new norm, $V_k$ is a Hilbert space.

2/3. You can see that $\|J_ku\|_{V_k^*}=\|u\|_{V_k}$; this proves that $J_k$ is an isometry. In particular, it is injective. So $J_k:V_k\to V_k^*$ is an injective map between two finite-dimensional spaces of the same dimension, and so it is also surjective. This means that $J_k$ is a linear homeomorphism.

$4.$ This is the same as 1.

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