[Math] Dual space of arbitrary direct sum is the direct sum of dual spaces


Suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are Banach spaces. It is known that dual space of a finite direct sum is the finite direct sum of each dual space, that is,

$$(X \oplus Y)^* = X^* \oplus Y^*$$

where $X^*$ denotes dual space of $X$.

Can we generalize it to arbitrary direct sum, that is,
$$\left(\bigoplus_{\alpha}X_{\alpha} \right)^* = \left( \bigoplus_{\alpha} X^*_{\alpha} \right)?$$

I have a feeling it can be done but I don't know how to do it exactly. Can anyone give some hints?

UPDATE: According to Matt's comment, the finite direct sum does not hold for finite dimensional spaces. Then what about the following?
$$(X \times Y)^* = X^* \times Y^*$$

Can the product above be generalized to arbitrary products?

Best Answer

In the category $\mathbf{Ban}_1$ of Banach spaces with contractive linear operators we do have products ($\bigoplus_\infty$-sums) and coproducts ($\bigoplus_1$-sums). Even more we have an isomorphism $$ \left(\bigoplus_1 X_\alpha\right)^*\underset{\mathbf{Ban}_1}{\cong}\bigoplus_\infty X^*_\alpha $$ Unfortunately, it is not true, that $$ \left(\bigoplus_\infty X_\alpha\right)^*\underset{\mathbf{Ban}_1}{\cong}\bigoplus_1 X^*_\alpha $$ To get the intuition why the latter is not true recall that $\ell_\infty^*\not\cong\ell_1$.

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