Mathematica – Drawing a Thickened Möbius Strip


I would like to have Mathematica plot a "thickened Möbius strip", i.e. a torus with square cross section that is given a one-half twist. Ideally, I would like this thickened Möbius strip to be transparent with a (non-thickened) solid Möbius strip sitting at its center; here is the best approximation I could draw by hand of what I want:
enter image description here
My motivation here is that I want to use the thickened Möbius strip a visual representation of a line bundle over $E$, where $E$ is the Möbius strip; that's why I'd like the Möbius strip at the center to be visible. A line bundle over $E$ can be identified with the bundle $E\oplus E$ over $\mathbb{S}^1$.

I was approaching this by attempting to draw the (two) sides of the thickened Möbius strip as parametric surfaces. Modeling my line bundle as $$E\oplus E=\mathbb{R}^3/\langle (t,x,y)\mapsto(t+2\pi,-x,-y)\rangle,$$
a global frame is given by the vector fields $v,w:\mathbb{S}^1\rightarrow E\oplus E$, where
$$v(t)=\overline{(t,\cos(t),\sin(t))},\hskip0.3in w(t)=\overline{(t,-\sin(t),\cos(t))}.$$
Using these $\{v(t),w(t)\}$ as a basis for the copy of $\mathbb{R}^2$ at each point $t\in\mathbb{S}^1$, it is not hard to describe what the sides of the thickened Möbius strip look like within $E\oplus E$. My difficultly lies in finding the equations that describe the "obvious" immersion $F:E\oplus E\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^3$, the map that e.g. has
where $R$ is the radius of the "actual" square-torus-with-twist, and
$$F\left(\\{\overline{(t,x,y)}\mid x,y\in [-r,r]\\}\right)= {\text{a (rotated) square of side length $2r$ centered at $F(\overline{(t,0,0)})$}\atop\text{and lying in the plane containing $(0,0,1)$ and $F(\overline{(t,0,0)})$}}.$$

Any help would be much appreciated.

Best Answer

The following code produces roughly what you're looking for:

F[x_, y_, t_] := {(3 + x*Cos[t/2] - y*Sin[t/2])*Cos[t],
                  (3 + x*Cos[t/2] - y*Sin[t/2])*Sin[t], 
                  x*Sin[t/2] + y*Cos[t/2]}
      {F[1, u, t], F[u, 1, t], F[u, 0, t]},
      {t, 0, 4 Pi}, {u, -1, 1},
      PlotStyle -> {{Blue, Opacity[0.3]}, {Blue, Opacity[0.3]},
                    {Green, Opacity[0.5]}},
      Mesh -> None, PlotPoints -> {30, 2}, 
      ImageSize -> 500, ViewPoint -> {0, -3, 3}, 
      ViewVertical -> {0, 0, 1} , Boxed -> False, Axes -> None],
      {F[1, 1, t], F[-1, 1, t], F[1, 0, t]},
      {t, 0, 4 Pi},
      PlotStyle -> Darker[Blue] , PlotPoints -> 30]