[Math] Doubt in proof : homotopic maps induce same homomorphism


Suppose $\phi, \psi: (X, x_0)\to(Y, y_0)$ are homotopic. $\exists\; H: X\times I\to Y:H(s,0)=\phi(s),\;H(s,1)=\psi(s)$. The claim is the induced homomorphisms $\phi_*, \psi_*$ on fundamental groups are equal according to this post. To prove this we have to show that $\phi\circ f$ is path homotopic to $\psi\circ f$ where $f$ is a loop at $x_0$. So we define $K:I^2\to Y$ as $K(s,t)=H(f(s),t)$ which ensures $K(s,0)=\phi\circ f(s)$ and $K(s, 1)=\psi\circ f(s)$ but to say that $K$ is a path homotopy we need $K(0,t),\; K(1, t)$ to be constant. How do we satisfy this requirement?

Best Answer

In this context, when one says $\phi, \psi: (X, x_0)\to(Y, y_0)$ are homotopic, that means they are homotopic as maps $(X,x_0)\to(Y,y_0)$, not just as maps $X\to Y$. This means that every stage of the homotopy preserves the basepoint: $H(x_0,t)=y_0$ for all $t$. This guarantees that $K$ is a path homotopy.

(Without this stronger assumption on the homotopy from $\phi$ to $\psi$, it is not necessarily true that they induce the same map on fundamental groups. In general, they will differ by conjugation by the element of $\pi_1(Y,y_0)$ defined by the loop $t\mapsto H(x_0,t)$.)