[Math] Dot product in Curvilinear Coordinate Systems

coordinate systemsgeometryinner-products

I came across the dot product in polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates, today. After checking they were equivalent to the Cartesian versions, I started wondering how one would figure them out without resorting to conversion to Cartesian coordinates. Of course, one could use the fact that $\langle a,b\rangle =|a||b|\cos(\theta)$, IF one knew some convenient formula for the angle between two vectors in whatever coordinate system they were considering. But what if one were working in an unfamiliar coordinate system — say elliptical coordinates or bipolar cylindrical or something even more exotic — and didn't know a formula for that angle off the top of their head? Is there a general way to proceed in finding the formula for the dot product in curvilinear coordinates without converting them first to Cartesian coordinates?

Best Answer

When the coordinates are orthogonal (as are all of your examples), the following works.

For each coordinate do the following: fix the other coordinates and consider the curve obtained by changing the chosen coordinate. Then find a unit vector tangent to this curve.

The chosen vectors will form an orthonormal basis for the space, adapted to the particular curvilinear coordinates. (Key words: moving frame.) Then you can find the dot product of two vectors by expanding them in this basis and using the standard formula $\sum a_i b_i$.

Example: for polar coordinates, the basis consists of unit vectors $\hat e_r$, pointing away from the origin, and $\hat e_\theta$, pointing at right angle to $\hat e_r$. Given two vectors $\vec u = u_1 \hat e_r+ u_2\hat e_\theta$ and $\vec v = v_1 \hat e_r+ v_2\hat e_\theta$, we can compute $\vec u\cdot \vec v = \sum_{i=1}^2 u_i v_i$.

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