[Math] Does zero-kernel imply monic in Abelian categories


I'm trying to learn how to perform diagram-chasing in abstract Abelian categories. Instead of an approach with some elements one have to use universal properties somehow in the proof. But I reckon the need of some lemmas…

A category is Abelian if:

  • it has a zero object
  • it has all binary products and binary coproducts
  • it has all kernels and cokernels
  • every monomorphism is a kernel to some morphism
  • every epimorphism is a cokernel to some morphism

The first "lemma" that coming into my mind (though I don't really know if it is true) deals with the connection between being monic and have a kernel equal to zero.

From the universal properties:

(1)$\quad f$ is a monomorphism if it given morphisms $m,n$ holds that
$\beta m=\beta n\implies m=n$
X @>m>n> B@>\beta>> B'
(2)$\quad k$ is a kernel to $\beta:B\to B'$ if $\beta k=0$ and for each $k'$ with
$\beta k'=0$ there is a unique morphism $\phi$ such that $k\phi=k'$
@V\exists!\phi VV\# @|\\
K @>k>> B@>\beta>> B'

How to prove that $\operatorname{ker}\beta=0\implies \beta$ is mono, using (1) and (2)?

My own approach, unfortunately, consists of staring on the diagrams above.

Best Answer

I assume your abelian categories are also additive.

First prove that $f$ is a monomorphism if and only if $fg = 0$ implies $g = 0$ for all $g$.

Now assume $f : X \to Y$ has kernel $(0, 0 \to X)$ and suppose $g : W \to X$ with $fg = 0$. Then by (2), there is a morphism $h : W \to 0$ such that $g = 0h = 0$.

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