[Math] Does there exist non trivial group homomorphism from $S_3$ to ( $\mathbb Q $,+)

abstract-algebracyclic-groupsgroup-homomorphismgroup-theoryrational numbers

Let $G = S_3$ be the permutatiin group of 3 symbols.Then

  1. $G$ is isomorphic to a subgroup of a cyclic group
  2. There exists a cyclic group $H$ such that $G$ maps homomorphically onto $H$.
  3. $G$ is a product of cyclic groups
  4. there exists a nontrivial group homomorphism from $G$ to the additive group ($\mathbb Q $,+) of rational numbers

1 option is clearly false since subgroup of a cyclic group is again cyclic and $G$ can't be isomorphic to a cyclic group

2 option is true since there is an epimorphism from $G$ onto $\mathbb Z_2 $

3 option is false since $G$ is non commutative

Now I only get trivial homomorphism from $G$ to additive group of rational numbers. So option 4 is false. Am I right?

Best Answer

The option 4. is false because $(\mathbb{Q},+)$ has no elements of finite order other than $0$, whereas every element of $S_3$ has finite order.