[Math] Does the Least Squares Regression Method work for any line type


I recently learned how to apply the least squares method to do linear regression. I also understand that it can be used for quadratic regression, by minimizing the error for three variables, two coefficients and a constant, instead of two variables. Would the same method apply to most, or all, types of equations? Could I simply assume coefficients wherever possible, and a constant, then find the partial derivative with respect to each, then set them equal to zero and solve? For example, could I regress to *a*log(*b*x)+c? Could I use logarithms, sine waves, exponential function, etc? If not, what are the exceptions? Where is this method not possible? Why?

Thanks in advance for all responses.

Best Answer

My above comment: Yes, but then you have to distinguish between linear and non-linear least squares. Both of these are solved differently, depending on the nature of the relationship.

In response to your question of an example, some are given below. Note that I will use $a,\,b$ and $c$ as the coefficients to be determined, $x$ as the independent/predictor variable and $y$ as the dependent/response variable.

Linear examples: $$\begin{align} y&=a+bx\\ \ln y&=a+b\ln x \quad(\text{equivalent to the nonlinear form } y=e^ax^b)\\ y^2&=a+bx^2-ce^x \end{align}$$ These are linear because the equations are linear in the unknown coefficients.

Nonlinear examples: $$\begin{align} y&=ax^b+c\\ y&=a\sin\left(bx+c\right)\\ y&=\frac{x+a}{x+b}\quad(\text{equivalent to the linear form } ay-b=x-xy) \end{align}$$ These are non-linear because the equations are non-linear in the unknown coefficients.

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