[Math] Does the interval (0, 1] satisfy the least upper bound property


I'm having difficulty understanding one of the very early theorems proved in Rudin, namely that the least upper bound property implies the greatest lower bound property.

Why is the following not a counterexample?

The interval $S = (0, 1] = \{x | x \in \mathbb{R}, 0 < x, x \leq 1\}$ seems to satisfy the least upper bound property, but not the greatest lower bound property (let $E$ be (0, 0.5]. Then $E$ is non-empty, $E \subset S$, and $E$ has a lower bound, but inf $E = 0,$ and $0 \not \in S$).

But why does $S$ not nevertheless satisfy the least upper bound property? Is there a non-empty, upper-bounded subset $B$ whose supremum is not in $S$?

Edit: a little more context, because the initial replies seem to be off the mark.

Definition: The Least Upper Bound Property

An ordered set $S$ is said to have the least upper bound property if the following is true:
if $E \subset S$, $E$ is not empty, and $E$ is bounded above, then sup $E$ exists in $S$.

The interval (0,1] seems to satisfy this property. At any rate, I cannot think of a subset $E$ meeting the above criterion whose supremum does not exist in $S$.

As far as I know, the definition of the greatest lower bound property is symmetric. And yet, (0,1] clearly does not satisfy that property, because if $E = (0,0.5]$, then inf $E \not \in S$

But according to the Principles Of Mathematical Analysis, the first property implies the second!

So why is my counterexample not a true counterexample?

Best Answer

But the set $E$ you defined has no lower bound which belongs to $S$. Take any number in $S$ and it is not a lower bound of $E$. Hence the set is not bounded from below, so it doesn't need to have a greatest lower bound.