[Math] Does the formula for arc length hold for other coordinate systems


Does the formula for arc length, integration of $\sqrt{(x'(t))^2 + (y'(t))^2 + (z'(t))^2}$, hold for other coordinate systems, such as cylindrical coordinates, meaning can I compute the integral of $\sqrt{(r'(t))^2 + (\theta'(t))^2 + (z'(t))^2}$ to get the arc length of a curve in 3-D that is parametrized in cylindrical coordinates? Or, do I have to first convert r(t), $\theta(t)$ and z(t) to x(t), y(t), z(t) coordinates, before applying the formula?

Edit: Converting to x,y,z worked for me in an arc length problem. However, keeping the cylindrical coordinates and going for the integration of $\sqrt{(r'(t))^2 + (\theta'(t))^2 + (z'(t))^2}$ doesn't seem to work.

Is it just simply because the arc length formula is derived by the Pythagoras theorem and so must require rectangular coordinates to make sense?

Best Answer

In cylindrical coordinates, i.e. $(r,\theta,z)$ with $x=r\cos\theta,y=r\sin\theta$ we have $$ x'(t)=r'(t)\cos\theta(t)-r(t)\theta'(t)\sin\theta(t),\quad y'(t)=r'(t)\sin\theta(t)+r(t)\theta'(t)\cos\theta(t). $$ Therefore $$ (x'(t))^2+(y'(t))^2=[(r'(t))^2+r^2(t)(\theta'(t))^2]\cdot[\cos^2\theta(t)+\sin^2\theta(t)]=(r'(t))^2+r^2(t)(\theta'(t))^2, $$ and the formula to compute the arc length in cylindrical coordinates is: $$ \int_a^b\sqrt{(r'(t))^2+r^2(t)(\theta'(t))^2+(z'(t))^2}\,dt, $$ assuming that the curve is defined on $[a,b]$.