[Math] Does taking the dot product of two column vectors involve converting one of the vectors into row vectors first

inner-productslinear algebravector-spaces

If you have two vectors living in subspace $V$ and you want to take dot product, it seems that you cannot technically do this operation because if you write both vectors in matrix form, they would both be column vectors living in the same subspace. In order to take the dot product, you would need to convert one of the vectors into a row vector which lives in a completely different dual subspace $V^*$ and then take the dot product of this dual space vector with the column vector. Is all of this true?

Best Answer

You're right that there's something going on here.

In a general finite-dimensional vector space, there is no canonical choice of isomorphism from $V$ to $V^*$, even though they're isomorphic because they have the same dimension. However, in a general finite-dimensional vector space, there is also no canonical choice of inner product!

Having an inner product gives us an isomorphism $\phi: V \to V^*$: map a vector $v \in V$ to the element $w \mapsto \langle v,w\rangle$ in $V^*$, and we can check that this will be an isomorphism.

Going the other way is a bit trickier, since inner products need to satisfy $\langle v,v \rangle \ge 0$, but isomorphisms "don't know" about this structure. (In particular, for vector spaces over finite fields, we can have an isomorphism $\phi : V \to V^*$, but it doesn't make sense to have an inner product.) However, if you have an isomorphism $\phi : V \to V^*$, then you can define $\langle v, w\rangle = \phi(v)(w)$, and this will at least be a bilinear form. (Making it artificially symmetric is easy and left as an exercise.)

When we're talking about vectors written as column vectors, we've actually given our vector space lots of structure: we've picked a standard basis, and we're writing our vectors in terms of their coordinates in that basis. Here, taking the transpose to turn a column vector into a row vector is exactly the isomorphism that corresponds to taking the dot product as our inner product.