[Math] Does rank(T) = dim(W) imply linear transformation is onto.

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If you have a linear transformation going from V,W where V,W are finite-dimensional vector spaces. Does the dim(range(T)) being equal to the dimension of the target space imply that the linear transformation is onto. If it does do you mind explaining why.

Best Answer

rank $T$ is the dimension of the range of $T$. So the range of $T$ is a subspace of $W$ that has the same dimension as $W$, hence the image is $W$, or in other words, $T$ is onto.

This argument relies on the fact that a subspace $U$ of $W$ that has the same dimension as $W$ is $W$ (call this dimension $n$). We can prove this easily.

Take a basis for $U$, it has $n$ elements, since the basis is a linearly independent subset of $W$ it can be extended to a basis of $W$, of course all the basis for $W$ have $n$ elements, so the extension consists on adding nothing, therefore the basis for $U$ is a basis for $W$ and hence $U=W$ as desired.

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