[Math] Does omitting the multiplication operator have an effect on order of operations


When you write a mathematical expression like this:


does the fact that the multiplication operator is not explicitly written has any bearing on the precedence? What is the order of operations in this case?

Is it:

$4:4=1$ (order: parenthesized addition, implicit multiplication, division)


$2(1+1)=4$ (order division, parenthesized addition, implicit multiplication).

If the explicit operator has no effect, this would be $4\div2\cdot(1+1)$ and calculated from left to right (because of the no precedence between division and multiplication). Result woud then be $4$.

Best Answer

Implicit multiplication belongs to algebra, not arithmetic. I would not expect to see implicit multiplication in an expression like yours - where there are unevaluated operations involving literal numbers. This could clearly lead to confusion, as we might hope to simplify $4(2+2)$ to $4 4$, but this is indistinguishable from the number $44$.

Where implicit multiplication is appropriate, in algebraic expressions, between a number and a symbol, or between two symbols, neither $:$ not $\div$ should be used to express division. Rather division should be shown using a horizontal line. This means there is no confusion possible between


