[Math] Does everywhere positive definite Hessian imply bijective gradient

linear algebramultivariable-calculus

If $f:\mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R$ is strictly convex, i.e. its hessian is everywhere positive definite, does that imply its gradient is bijective? To ensure the well-definedness of the Légendre transform, which is usually used on s.c. functions, I need the gradient to be bijective, so as to be sure that for any $p\in\mathbb R^n$ there exists one and only one $x\in\mathbb R^n$ for which $p=\nabla f(x)$…

Best Answer

Since nobody closed or answered this, I will self-answer and self-accept, so as to make it answered.

That the Hessian be everywhere p.d. implies the gradient is injective, as proved here. Basically, the proof uses Taylor expansion with integral form for the remainder, then using p.d.-ness to prove the remainder is always strictly positive.

$f(x)=e^x$ has everywhere p.d. Hessian (i.e. everywhere strictly positive second derivative) but is surely not surjective.