[Math] Does advanced math “power” more rudimentary math


I came across this quote by Eric Weinstein that "when things got supposedly more advanced, they actually got simpler because mathematicians started revealing what was powering all the things that you previously learn." I was wondering if anyone came to the same conclusion, and if so, care to give an example of such a revelation.

Best Answer

This is true whenever you learn a "powerful tool" in high school maths. The two main examples that come to mind are trigonometry and calculus.

In trigonometry, we had to memorise a large number of trig identities. We would learn that $\tan$ is basically "defined by" $\tan(x) = \sin(x)/\cos(x)$, but apart from this it was all just memorising the double angle formulae and so on. Early on in university maths, I learned that $e^{iz} = \cos(z) + i\sin(z)$, and all of the trig identities become obvious. But even then, I did not really understand what $e^{iz} = \cos(z) + i\sin(z)$ meant. Eventually, I studied complex analysis, and the notion of complex exponentiation made sense. At this point, everything that flowed on from it became clearer. (As an added bonus, understanding the proof behind the residue theorem meant I was also finally able to see why various integrals I memorised for my physics courses worked.)

A second related concept was calculus. When I first "learned" that $\int \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{x} = \ln(x)$, I had no idea why. Most of integration was just memorisation in high school. In my first maths course at university, I was finally properly taught what functions were, and what some of their properties are - and about inverse functions. Now, together with the chain rule, and knowing that $x\mapsto \ln(x)$ is the inverse of $x\mapsto e^x$, the lecturer showed us a simple reason why the derivative of $\ln(x)$ is $1/x$ (assuming it is in fact differentiable).

$$1 = x' = [e^{\ln(x)}]' = e^{\ln(x)}\cdot \ln'(x) = x\ln'(x)$$

Thus $\ln'(x) = 1/x$, and so an antiderivative of $1/x$ is $\ln(x)$. Seeing the proofs of the fundamental theorem of calculus was fantastic as well. In high school I asked why integration was antidifferentiation, and I was told "of course it is", but it was never obvious at all. They seemed like entirely different concepts so I couldn't understand how everyone was so okay with the close way they're tied together. Studying real analysis really helped to understand why calculus works.

As for the maths I've learned at university, all of my courses were well designed so they didn't use any tools that weren't proven in the course/earlier courses. I can't give any higher-level examples for your question.