[Math] Does adding linearly independent vectors retain linear independence

linear algebravectors

Suppose the vectors u, v, w are linearly independent and u'=u+v, v'=v+w and w'=u+w. I'd like to check if u', v', w' are also linearly independent.

I know they can be linearly independent, such as if u= (1,0,0), v=(0,1,0), w=(0,0,1). So, next I know that linear independence gives the smallest number of generators for a space, so u', v', w' could generate the space, however, I'm not sure how to prove this. How do I prove whether or not u', v', w' are linearly independent?

Any help to get me started would be appreciated.

Thank you.

Best Answer

Move $u, v, w$ to the standard vectors $e_1, e_2, e_3$ by an invertible linear transformation $A$, over the real numbers say. Then $e_1+e_2, e_2+e_3, e_1+e_3$ are independent and they are the image of $u+v,v+w,u+w$ by an invertible linear transformation. So the vectors $u',v',w'$ are also independent.

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