[Math] Does a homomorphism from a unital ring to an integral domain force a multiplicative identity


This is a question in Herstein's Topics in Algebra ("unit element" refers to multiplicative identity):

If $R$ is a ring with unit element $1$, and $\phi$ is a homomorphism of $R$ into an integral domain $R'$ such that $\ker\phi\ne R$, prove that $\phi(1)$ is the unit element of $R'$.

Now, Herstein does not require that integral domains have a unit element. It seems like the question is suggesting that the existence of such a homomorphism forces $R'$ to have a unit element. Of course, if $R'$ is assumed to have a unit element then the proof is trivial.

I am having trouble finding a proof or a counterxample for the first interpretation. I'm even having trouble thinking of integral domains without unit elements.

Best Answer

This solution is based on the hint given by Johannes Kloos in the comments above.

Let $R$ be a unital ring, with unit element $1_R$, and let $R'$ be an integral domain (which is not a priori assumed to be unital). Suppose we have a nonzero homomorphism of (nonunital) rings $\phi:R\to R'$. We want to prove that $R'$ is actually unital, with unit element $\phi(1_R)$.

First, we have the following equality: $$\phi(1_R)=\phi(1_R1_R)=\phi(1_R)\phi(1_R).$$ Hence, we see that $\phi(1_R)$ is an idempotent of $R'$. Now, since $\phi$ is nonzero, $\phi(1_R)\neq 0$. Therefore, for any element $x\in R'$, we have $$\phi(1_R)x=(\phi(1_R))^2x \Longrightarrow x=\phi(1_R)x,$$ and similarly, we have $x=x\phi(1_R)$. Therefore, we conclude that $\phi(1_R)$ is a unit element of the ring $R'$.