[Math] Do you know this notation in group theory


Somebody know this notation in group theory:


where $G$ is a group and $X$ aparently is a subset of G?

I've come across with this notations in the following problem:

Show that $X^G = \langle \{ gxg^{-1};\; g\in G,\; x \in X \} \rangle.$


Best Answer

In group theory, this notation is normally used to define the normal closure in $G$ of the subset $X$. This is the smallest normal subgroup of $G$ containing $X$. With that definition you can easily prove that $X^G = <g^{-1}xg | g \in G, x\in X>$. It also equals the intersection of all normal subgroups of $G$ containing $X$.

Note that in other parts of mathematics the notion of closure is very common and defined in a similar way. For example in topology one has normal closures of sets, and in field theory, you will encounter algebraic closures.