Vector Analysis – Interpretation of BAC-CAB Identity for Triple Vector Product

cross productgeometric-interpretationvector analysis

As in the title, I was wondering if the formula: $$a\times (b\times c)=b(a\cdot c)-c(a \cdot b)$$ for $\mathbb R ^3$ cross product has some geometrical interpretation. I've recently seen a proof (from Vector Analysis – J.W. Gibbs) that's not at all difficult to understand, however I would hardly remember the steps of the proof (and I keep forgetting the correct order of A,B,C's), since it appears to me just as algebraic manipulation. So, why is this true? Or is it just an accident?

Best Answer

No, it's not an accident. The cross product is orthogonal to each factor, so the vector has to be orthogonal to $b\times c$, hence in the plane spanned by $b$ and $c$. But it also has to be orthogonal to $a$. So, writing $$a\times(b\times c) = xb + yc$$ and dotting with $a$, you get $x(b\cdot a) + y(c\cdot a)=0$. So the answer must be some scalar multiple of the correct formula. Now you only have to check that that scalar is $1$ by substituting $a=b$ and $a=c$. Better yet, let $a$ be a unit vector in the plane spanned by $b$ and $c$ that is orthogonal to $b$.