Category Theory – Do the Adjoint Functor Theorems Usefully Dualize?


The special and general adjoint functor theorems exist to construct left adjoints to particular functors given certain conditions on them. However, I've not been able to find much mention – at least, not in my lecture notes nor in a quick Google search – of using them or something like them to construct right adjoints.

I suppose that if $F \dashv G$ then $G^\mathrm{op} \dashv F^\mathrm{op}$, so I can just apply the adjoint functor theorems to the opposites of the categories I'm interested in. Perhaps something like:

General Adjoint Functor Cotheorem: suppose $\mathcal C$ is locally small and cocomplete. Then a functor $F : \mathcal C \to \mathcal D$ has a right adjoint if and only if it preserves small colimits and, for each object $A$ of $\mathcal C$, the comma category $G \downarrow A$ has a weakly terminal set.

Special Adjoint Functor Cotheorem: suppose $\mathcal C, \mathcal D$ both locally small, $\mathcal C$ cocomplete, co-well-powered1, and with a separating set. Then a functor $F : \mathcal C \to \mathcal D$ has a right adjoint iff $F$ preserves small colimits.

Is that right? Is it useful?

1 Not sure if this is standard terminology, but I hope it's clear what I mean: for each object $A$, there is a category of epimorphisms with domain $A$, and a category would be co-well-powered if all these epimorphism categories were equivalent to a partially ordered set (they are already preorders, since if $fg = h$ with $g$ and $h$ epimorphisms, then $f$ is unique)

Best Answer

as a sort of meta answer: there are more left adjoints than right adjoint (this is of course nonsense!!). More to the point, quite often we are interested in finding left adjoints to functors (in order to create free objects (which include all of the uses you mentioned)). Also quite often, the functors that typically interest us do not have right adjoints at all. This is related to the fact of life that mathematics is not self-dual. For whatever reason, many of the naturally occurring functors we meet tend to have left adjoint but often they lack right adjoints.

So, while category theory is self-dual, practiced mathematics is not. A similar phenomenon is the common concept of a cofibrantly generated model category, while there are very very few examples of naturally occurring categories that support the dual notion of a fibrantly generated model category.

Notice that this lack of duality in practiced mathematics starts very early on. The concept of cartesian product of sets is much more important than the dual notion of disjoint union. And while noticing this, it is the cartesian product of set that is at the heart of the definition of category. So the bias towards one concept over its dual is very deeply rooted.

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