Do Finite Algebraically Closed Fields Exist?


Let $K$ be an algebraically closed field ($\operatorname{char}K=p$). Denote
$${\mathbb F}_{p^n}=\{x\in K\mid x^{p^n}-x=0\}.$$
It's easy to prove that ${\mathbb F}_{p^n}$ consists of exactly $p^n$ elements.

But if $|K|<p^n$, we have collision with previous statement (because ${\mathbb F}_{p^n}$ is subfield of $K$).

So, are there any finite algebraically closed fields? And if they exist, where have I made a mistake?


Best Answer

No, there do not exist any finite algebraically closed fields. For suppose $K$ is a finite field; then the polynomial $$f(x)=1+\prod_{\alpha\in K}(x-\alpha)\in K[x]$$ cannot have any roots in $K$ (because $f(\alpha)=1$ for any $\alpha\in K$), so $K$ cannot be algebraically closed.

Note that for $K=\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$, the polynomial is $$f(x)=1+\prod_{\alpha\in K}(x-\alpha)=1+(x^{p^n}-x).$$

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