[Math] Do bounded linear operators on a Banach space which are injective or have dense range form an open subspace


We proved a theorem in our functional analysis class showing that the subspace of bijective bounded linear operators between two Banach spaces $X$ and $Y$ is open in the space $B(X,Y)$ of bounded linear operators.

It was mentioned that the subspace of $(i)$ injective operators and $(ii)$ operators with dense range, however, are not open in $B(X,Y)$.

I tried coming up with counterexamples, but was not able to do so. Admittedly, I tried in finite dimension, and maybe the counterexamples come from infinite dimension? I'd like to see counterexamples to each of these cases. I'd appreciate some help in this, thanks.

Best Answer

Consider $X=Y=\ell^2(\Bbb N)$. Let $A(\sum_n x_n e_n)=\sum_n 2^{-n}\,x_ne_n$. $A$ is an injection, however for any $n$ you have $$(A-2^{-n}\Bbb 1)(e_n)=0$$ so $A-2^{-n}\Bbb1$ is never an injection. But for any $\epsilon>0$ you have an $n$ with $A-2^{-n}\Bbb1\in B_\epsilon(A)$. Also $A$ has dense range (since it contains the finitely supported sequences), but you can also verify that $\pi_n (A-2^{-n}\Bbb1)=0$ where $\pi_n$ is the orthogonal projection onto $\mathrm{span}(e_n)$. So the range of $A-2^{-n}\Bbb1$ must lie in the kernel of $\pi_n$, which is a closed subspace of $\ell^2$. So $A-2^{-n}\Bbb1$ also never has dense range.

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