[Math] Do all non-empty sets of natural numbers contain a smallest number


I'm currently self-studying a book in real analysis and in it the authors wrote that all non-empty sets of natural numbers contain a smallest number. While that statement initially seemed intuitive i quickly thought of an example that this does not necessarally apply for. Consider a set of natural numbers, whose elements are so large that there exists no notation for describing their size as of now, there ought to be such numbers no? How can we be so sure that such a set has a smallest number? Is my example perhaps too vague to be considered a set? If that is the case, then why?

Best Answer

This is referred to as the Well-Ordering Principle. You might think of it this way. Given a set $A\subset\mathbb{N}$, ask yourself the following:

Is $1\in A$? If so, then $1$ is the smallest element in $A$.

Otherwise, is $2\in A$? If so, ...

If you continue in this way and find that $n\notin A$ for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, it must be that $A$ has no elements at all. Thus, every $A\not=\emptyset$ should have a smallest element.