[Math] Divisibility Rules of 2019


What is the divisibility rule or way to find that a number is divisible by 2019 and we can't divide the number by 2019 to test it? and how do we prove that the rule works for 2019?

Help is appreciated!

Best Answer

$2019 = 3(673)\,$ so it suffices by CRT to compute the remainders mod $3\,$ & $\,673$.

$\!\!\bmod 3\!:\,$ the remainder is congruent to the digit sum (as in casting out nines).

$\!\!\bmod 673\!:\ 10^{\large 14}\equiv 8\,$ so we can use that to work in chunks of $\,14\,$ decimal digits, e.g.

$\ n = 8100000000000025= 81(10^{\large 14})+25 \equiv 81(8)+25\equiv 673\equiv \color{#0a0}0$

$ $ By $ $ Easy $ $ CRT: $\,\ \ \ \begin{align} &n\equiv \color{#0a0}a\pmod{\!673}\\ &n\equiv\color{#c00} b\pmod{\!3}\end{align}\iff\, n\equiv \color{#0a0}a + 673(\color{#c00}b\!-\!\color{#0a0}a)\,\pmod{\!2019}$

e.g. above $\,n\equiv 8\!+\!1+\!2\!+\!5\equiv\color{#c00} 1\pmod{\!3}\,$ so $\ n\equiv \underbrace{\color{#0a0}0+673(\color{#c00}1\!-\!\color{#0a0}0)}_{\large 673}\,\pmod{\!2019}$

For some numbers this may be faster than the universal divsiibility test, which is essentially a modular form of the long division algorithm that ignores the quotients.