[Math] Divisibility by 37 .

congruencesdivisibilitynumber theory

Let the sum of two three-digit numbers be divisible by 37. Prove that the six-digit number obtained by concatenating the digits of those numbers is also divisible by 37.

$\overline {abc}$ + $\overline {def}$ is divisible by 37. Prove $$\overline{abcdef}$$ is divisible by 37.

$$\overline {abc} = 100a + 10b + c$$
$$\overline {def} = 100d + 10e + f$$
then we have
$$\overline {abc}+ \overline {def} = 100a + 10b + c + 100d + 10e + f = 100(a+d) + 10(b+e) + c + f $$
And I'm stuck here. Can anyone help me?

Best Answer

$$\overline{abcdef}=1000\cdot \overline {abc}+\overline {def}$$ $$=999\overline {abc}+\overline {abc}+\overline {def}$$ $$=(37\cdot 27 \cdot \overline {abc})+(\overline {abc}+\overline {def})$$

Hope this helps.

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