[Math] Dividing polynomial by binomial using remainder theorem


An A level text book claims that one can find the quotient by first:

1.) Setting up an identity, $f(x)≡ Q(x)(divisor) + remainder$

2.) Finding the coefficients

However, another A level text book says, "Note. This theorem gives a (simple) method for evaluating the remainder only. If the quotient is required, long division must be used."

The question is: Divide $x^3 + x^2 – 7$ by $x-3$ using the remainder theorem.

In this example,

1.) They set up the identity: $x^3 + x^2 – 7 ≡ (Ax^2 + Bx + C)(x-3) + D$

2.) They let $x=3$ to find coefficient $D$

3.) They let $x=0$ to find coefficient $C$

4.) To find coefficients $A$ and $B$, the text book then goes on to "comparing the coefficients". No more detail is given as to how "comparing the coefficients" to find $A$ and $B$ is achieved.

Can you find coefficients $A$ and $B$ using this method ONLY? If so, how?

Best Answer

We write $$x^3 + x^2 - 7 ≡ (Ax^2 + Bx + C)(x-3) + D.\tag{1}$$ Put $x=3$. That conveniently kills all but $D$ on the right. Substituting on the left, we get that $D=3^3+3^2-7=29$. We can continue making other simple substitutions, and get linear equations that determine our coefficients.

But you asked about comparing coefficients. That is done as follows. Expand the right-hand side of (1). So in particular, multiply out $(Ax^2 + Bx + C)(x-3)$. We get after a while that the right-hand side is equal to $$Ax^3 +(-3A+B)x^2 +(-3B+C)x -3C+D.$$

This has to be the same polynomial as $x^3+x^2-7$.

So the coefficients of $X^3$ must be the same. That means $A=1$.

The coefficients of $x^2$ must be the same. That means $-3A+B=1$.

The coefficents of $x$ must be the same. That means $-3B+C=0$.

And the constant terms must be the same. That means $-3C+D=-7$.

Now solve. We already know $D=27$ a "quickie" way. The rest of the coefficients are now easy to pick up.

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