[Math] Dividing circle into six equal parts and know the coordinates of each diving point …


I have a circle who center $(0, 0)$ and radius $100$ are known. That circle is divided into $6$ equal parts. I want to know the coordinates of all six points on the circle that divides it into $6$ parts. Can anyone please tell me the formula for this as I need to do this in a javscript code.

Also give a formula for doing the same thing with ellipse given the same data, center $(0, 0)$, $x$-radius and $y$-radius are known.

Best Answer

If it's divided into 6 equal sectors, then you can calculate the angle $\theta$ (in radians) of each of the lines to the positive $x$-axis simply by doing:

$$\theta_{n}=\frac{2n\pi}{6}=\frac{n\pi}{3},\qquad\text{where }n=\{0,1,2,3,4,5\}$$

To calculate the cartesian co-ordinates of the points, all you now need to do is convert the polar form $100\angle\theta_{n}$:

$$x_{n}=100\cdot\cos{\theta_{n}} \\ y_{n}=100\cdot\sin{\theta_{n}}$$

This can of course be extended to any number $k$ of equal area sectors of a circle of origin $(x_{0},y_{0})$ and radius $r$ using:

$$\theta_{n}(k)=\frac{2n\pi}{k},\qquad \text{where }n=\{0,1,\dots,k-1\}$$

Then, converting from polar co-ordinates and translating: $$x_{n}=r\cdot\cos{(\theta_{n}(k))}+x_{0} \\ y_{n}=r\cdot\sin{(\theta_{n}(k))}+y_{0}$$

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