Dividing an Ellipse into Equal Areas – Geometry


enter image description hereCan an ellipse be divided into sectors of equal area? Is there any generalized formula to do so? The total area of the ellipse $A$ has to be divided into $n$ equal sectors such that $A=A_1+A_2+ ⋯+A_n$ given its semi-major axis $a$ and semi-minor axis $b$. Any solution or resources will be of great help?

Best Answer

Recall that any ellipse can be obtained by affinity from a circle and that the affinity preserves the ratio between the areas.

Thus we can consider the division into sectors of equal area for a circle and then the corresponding affine transformation to the ellipse.

enter image description here

Notably. as an example, let consider the affinity by $X=ax$ and $Y=by$ such that

$$x^2+y^2=1 \to \frac{X^2}{a^2}+\frac{Y^2}{b^2}=1$$

with reference to the first quadrant, the equations for the lines dividing the circle into $n$ sectors of equal area $A=\frac{\pi}{4n}$ are

$$y=(\tan \theta_k)\cdot x, \quad \theta_k=\frac{k\pi}{2n},\quad k=1,...,n-1$$

the equations for the lines dividing the ellipse into $n$ sectors of equal area $A=\frac{\pi ab}{4n}$ are

$$Y=\frac b a (\tan \theta_k)\cdot X, \quad \theta_k=\frac{k\pi}{2n},\quad k=1,...,n-1$$