[Math] Divergence Theorem to compute volume bounded by paraboloid


Evaluate the integral $$\int_V \nabla \cdot \underline{r}\,dV$$ where $V$ is bounded by the surface $S_c$($S_c$ = part of the surface $z = a^2 – x^2 – y^2$ for which $z \geq 0$) and the plane $z=0$.

Attempt: I have done it via surface integral and obtained the correct answer but when I do it by computing the above, I get something different.

$\nabla \cdot r = 3$ (special case when we take the divergence of a position vector) so we just compute $$3 \int_V dV = 3 \int_0^a \int_0^{2 \pi} \int_0^{\pi/2} r^2 \sin \theta d\theta d\phi dr.$$ Evaluating does not give the required $3 \pi a^4/2$ obtained in the surface integral calculation.

Best Answer

You need to use cylindrical coordinates, as the surface has cylindrical symmetry. The integral you want is

$$3 \int_0^{a^2} dz \: \int_0^{a^2-z} dr \,r \: \int_0^{2 \pi} d\theta $$

Note that the volume element in cylindrical coordinates is $r\,dr\,d\theta\,dz$, and the bounds are explicitly set by the equation of the paraboloid. The $3$ comes from your divergence. You should be able to do out this integral.

My answer for this integral is $3 \pi a^4/2 $.

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