[Math] Distribution of the heads-tails difference after three coin tosses


Three fair coins are tossed and D is the positive difference between the number of heads and the number of tails obtained, so D takes the values 1 and 3. Tabulate the probability distribution of D and calculate E(D).

I have made groups like

with difference 1:


with difference 3:

later I have done

$6 (1/2)^3$ (for the condition where difference is 1)
$2 (1/2)^3$ (for the condition where difference is 3)

The answers I am getting are 3/4 for the first condition and 1/4 for the second condition but I am not sure if this is the right way

Best Answer

Your calculation of the probability distribution of the absolute difference is correct:

  • $\Pr(D=1) = \frac34$
  • $\Pr(D=3) = \frac14$

You could have used these to find the expected absolute difference:

  • $E[D]=1\times \frac34 +3 \times \frac14 = \frac32 .$
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