[Math] Distribution of product of bernoulli random variable and poisson random variable

probabilityprobability distributions

There are random variable $Z=XY$ ($X$ is poisson and $Y$ is bernoulli)

$$X(n;\lambda) = \frac{\lambda^n}{n!}e^{-\lambda}$$

$$Y=\begin{cases} & \beta \text{ with probability } \beta \\ & 0 \text{ probability } 1-\beta \end{cases}$$

I likes to know distribution of product of bernoulli random variable and poisson random variable.

So i calculate MGF(Moment Generating Function) so i can get below expression.

$$M_{z}(t)=\sum_{y}\sum_{x}e^{txy}P(x)P(y)=\sum_{x}(\beta e^{t\beta x}+1-\beta) P(x)
=\beta e^{-\lambda}(e^{\lambda e^{t\beta}})+1-\beta = \beta(e^{\lambda(e^{t\beta -1})}+1-\beta)$$

I can`t obtain pmf(probability mass function) from this calcultaed MGF

Is it impossible obtain pmf ?

Or is there any technique obtaining probability in this case?

Thank you

Best Answer

You can think about it for a bit. Presumably theres a typo in $Y$, which should be 1 w.p. $\beta$.

Note that $Z$ is zero iff $Y=0$ or $X=0$ (which are independent events), so $P(Z=0) = P(Y=0) + P(X=0) - P(X=0)P(Y=0)$.

Note that $Z=z$ where $z$ is a positive integer if and only if $Y=1$ and $X=z$ (which are independent events), so $P(Z=z) = P(Y=1) P(X=z)$.