[Math] distributing r distinct objects into n-distinct boxes.

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematics

I've just started with the basic principles of counting which includes the Multiplication Principle.

suppose a procedure designated by $1$ can be performed in $n1$ ways. Let us assume that a second procedure , designated by $2$ can be performed in $n2$ ways. Suppose also that each way of doing $1$ may be followed by any way of doing $2$.Then the procedure consisting of $1$ followed by $2$ may be performed in $n1\times n2$.

There's a distribution problem which says that:

No. of ways of distributing $r$ distinct objects into $n$ distinct boxes,if each box can have any number of objects is $n^r$

If I have to relate this problem with above diagram what should be my $n_1$,$n_2$$\ldots$ $n_r$. Please help.

Best Answer

On a diagram like that you would use $n_1=n, n_2=n, \ldots, n_k=n, \ldots, n_r= n$

There would be $r$ distinct steps each with $n$ possible ways. That corresponds to selecting one of $n$ boxes to put a ball into, for $r$ balls.

The diagram would consist of $r$ lines, the starting point branching to $n$ points on the first line, each one with $n$ branches to the the next line, and each of those $n^2$ points starting $n$ branches to the third line, and each of those $n^3$ points branching $n$ times ... until each of the $n^{r-1}$ points on the penultimate line start $n$ branches to the last line, for a total of $n^r$ points on line $r$.

$$\underbrace{n_1\times n_2 \times \cdots \times n_r}_{\text{a term for each of $r$ balls}} = \underbrace{\quad n\times n\times \cdots \times n\quad}_{\text{each term is the count of boxes, $n$}} = n^r$$

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