[Math] Distinguishing between Laplace’s equation and heat equation

partial differential equations

I have a pde $$\frac{\partial^2 u}{\partial x^2}=\frac{1}{c^2} \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}$$
I have been told this is a heat equation. Why?
What are the distinguishing features between the heat equation and the Laplace equation?

Best Answer

One often divides PDEs into three main types, depending essentially on the order of the derivatives involved, and the sign in front of those derivatives:

Elliptic: all derivatives are second-order, all signs are positive. Example: $\partial^2_{xx} + \partial^2_{yy} + \partial^2_{zz}$, Laplace's equation.

Hyperbolic: all derivatives are second-order, one sign is negative, the rest are positive. Example: $-\partial^2_{tt} + \partial^2_{xx} + \partial^2_{yy}$, the wave equation.

Parabolic: one derivative is first order, the rest are second order, one sign is negative (corresponding to the "one derivative" term), the rest are positive. Example $-\partial_{t} + \partial^2_{xx} + \partial^2_{yy}$, the heat equation.

This is, of course, greatly oversimplifying things, but we tend to break our equations up into these categories because, within a particular category, similar characteristics are exhibited. For instance, parabolic equations smooth data instantly (even if the initial data for a heat equation has discontinuities, for any time $t > 0$, the solution is smooth), hyperbolic equations on the other hand propagate their singularities in a predictable way (along rays).

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