[Math] Distance from vertex to incenter formula


Let $ABC$ be a triangle and $I$ its incenter. It is given that $BC=a$, $CA=b$, $AB=c$, $\angle A=\alpha$, $\angle B=\beta$ and $\angle C=\gamma$. Find the distance $AI$ in terms of these given values.

I've tried everything. I managed to find $AD=\frac{2bc\cos (\alpha/2)}{b+c}$, where $D$ is the point of intersection of line $AI$ with side $BC$. However this doesn't seem to help unless I can also find $ID$, because then $AI$ is given by $AD-ID$.

Best Answer

let us look at the triangle $AIB.$ the $\angle IAB = \alpha/2, \angle IBA = \beta/2, AB = c.$ applying the rule of sines you get $$\dfrac{AI}{\sin (\beta/2)} = \dfrac{c}{\sin(\alpha+\beta)/2)} = \dfrac{c}{\cos (\gamma/2)}$$

that is $$AI = \dfrac{c\sin(\beta/2)}{\cos(\gamma/2)}. $$